Products & Services

SPI Astilleros is the shipyard with the fastest operating growth in Argentina in recent years. It has more than 40 years in the Argentine naval industry, today being a leading player in the shipbuilding and repair market. It was the first to certify by the Bureau Veritas Certification (B.V.C.) The ISO 9001 Quality Standards for the Design, Construction, Repair, Transformation and Enlistment Service of Ships and Naval Artifacts.

  • 3M
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  • 2M

Spi Products

Throughout tits history, SPI Astilleros has built vessels of different types, including fishing vessels, tugboats, ferries, pontoons and barges for the transportation of iron ore, hydrocarbons, grains, general cargo and containers, among others.

These typo of projects have been designed entirely by professionals from our company, taking into account the capabilities and potential of the Argentine naval industry.

In the engineering area, projects for new vessels are carried out, as well as mechanical, structural (finite element), hydrodynamic, stability, piping, three-dimensional modeling, surface development, detailed engineering, design of different hauling and maneuvering elements. , enlistment, nesting, etc.

For new projects, designs and different basic and detailed engineering plans are made so that the work can be carried out in the different workshops. The work preparations of the entire project comply with the quality standards imposed by the ISO 9001:2015 standards that Astilleros SPI certified before the Bureau Veritas Certification (B.V.C.). In the case of a new vessel, all the plans required by the Argentine Naval Prefecture are developed (specifications and arrangement, hull and structures, freeboard and machines, pipes and weapons).

The Product and Process Department works according to international standards of construction rules such as: American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, R.I.NA, Germanischer Lloyd and N.K.K. among other.